Busan Opera House
The BOH is a new ecological typology which can be adopted in the industrialized and recessed metropolitan areas. Traditionally, architecture exists as a figure demarcated from the boundary of landscape and social interaction. The BOH performs in various multifunctional programs to diversified strong representation of landscape and architecture. The interactive form driven by metaphoric spaces is to overcome the limited alienation provided by the two disciplines. Specific programs appear between the two boundaries, a fully established wetland offers variety of reclamation and waterfronts restoration for future usage. It is also considered to be one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems.
The involvement of multidisciplinary approach of the opera house provides enormous connectivity opportunities to reclaim Busan from negative imagery of industrialized port city, anti-sustainability into eco-environment, education, culture, entertainment. Escaping the monotonous shape of the island, the BOH has a stretched form primitive to maximize the interface between the Sea and its design. Furthermore, it connects the water with the people since it faces directly to the ocean. The design provides optimized waterfront experience for visitors and incorporated as the ecology park.